February 11, 2006

  • Greetings....Weekends, ahhh....Gotta love them...Enjoying mine with a pot of coffee, movies, books, puzzles, a quilt, pillows, and the sofa...along with the Cleo princess to keep me company. A little laundry, a little cooking...no work until Monday night....The winter Olympics are on, yeah...skating, skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, luge and most of all, just love the excitement and the suspense. High School  State Wrestling tournament in Gwinnett this weekend...AHHH, I can smell the arena now...and feel the hardness of the bleachers from sitting alllllll 3 days for the weekend....Still miss it...Maybe one day God will bless me with a grandson who will take it to the mat...or a granddaughter who will, or be a mat maid, or date a wrestler???!!! HA HA...A long time from now, Josh can push me in my wheelchair, LOL.

    Hope everyone has an Awesome weekend...stay warm, stay dry, stay safe, stay Blessed and keep smiling.... Share God's Love and His Joy.... Pray for those who are traveling, David and Lisa, Philip and Angela....Sandra while she awaits the birth of her two little bundles of testosterone..tee hee....And Brad as he awaits on Sandra....Pray for Jeff as he leads and gives the sermon tomorrow morning, and Scott as he leads the Praise band...May God be glorified and Blessed through their efforts, words, music, and their commitment.... Josh, turn up the speaker on the bass to be heard by all...me included, whoa, that would be a loud and powerful speaker...Play it for the Lord, Scott, Brien, Jason, Josh, and anyone else playing in the morning....Lindsay, keep that orange glowing mouse in line...Or is it blue?  Will miss being there....Love to all....Later....

Comments (1)

  • Hey Ms, Brick!
    just wanted to stop by and let you all know that you are all in my prayers!
    tell everyone I love them!
    have a good rest of the week and God Bless!

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