July 6, 2006

  • Don’t freak out…just cuz” I have re-entered the atmosphere of cyberspace….Hope everyone is well…miss seeing “Real people” on a regular basis….. I am back to doing 12 hr shifts with really strange and creative schedules on board….Working more charge, ugh!!!! And being way more stressed out…..But figure I can learn from all experiences and  God won’t let me down….Louisiana trip was great….long way over there…do not remember that trip being that long….of course I am a LOT older and was all alone….Niece’s wedding was wonderful…family was awesome….Food was…Undescribable….YUM!!!!(sorry Josh…) Should have seen the size of the crawfish…baby lobsters they were….150+ lbs…..Oh yeah…and the shopping…$$$$$$ Ka Ching….A (sorry again Josh, and Clark Howard…)and the worst was the GIANT size mosquitos…..they were loving some of this sweet Georgia morsel…(sorry, that sounded kind of wierd…) Can you tell I worked 14+ hrs last night…But am off for 2 nights….work 4 nights and then am off for 5 whole, glorious nights…Yabba Dabba…. My legs are going to sleep…have been sitting here for 2+ hrs….Coffee is waiting…..Love to all….keep on smiling….Keep Jesus in your heart…in all your actions…..and may you visit the cross daily…great way to begin your day, no matter what time that is…..

April 12, 2006

  • Okay….I’m back….Computer was on the blitz for almost 3+ weeks…ARGH!!!!!! Talk about withdrawal…..

    Work has been UNBELIEVABLE….to say the least…..Have been FULL forever….Feel almost empty if we have less than 27 patients on our floor….I will update more regularly on my day off…which is not today…..Miss everyone….Pray for Josh tomorrow….Share God’s love and His Joy…..Could not have gotten this far without HIM (that and some chocolate….he he lol) ….Love to all…Later…..smile….

March 13, 2006

  • Unpretentious weekend, much rest, much needed, not much else…..

    Headed to work……Share God’s Love and His Joy, like you mean it….Smile…Later…

March 4, 2006

  • Off last night….Enjoyed movies, sleeping in the dark….on my third cup of coffee, soup is on…laundry is almost completed…at least the small dent in the mountain pile in the utility room. It is a beautiful, spring-like day…. Feel inspired to get out in the yard and make some landscape plans for the spring,…and then call my yardman…LOL…HA HA HA…..Work until Tuesday, might work that night as well…have to catch up and replenish funds…not received due to STUPIDITY on WC employees part and lack of intellectual effort…..BOOOO HISSSS…. Big dose of WHOOOOOO SAAAAWWWWW…..(re: Anger Management..clue)….

    Hope the membership class at Discover Point is successful…know alot of people can’t be there due to work schedule….birth schedule…etc…..Wish I could be there…but am there in spirit.

    Disappointed about some aspects of life in general…and lack of smartness on others….close to depression, but will OVERCOME….TAH DAH….Gone already….Might be the pills and the abundant caffeine consumed already today….LOL….

    Everyone have an awesome weekend….Enjoy each other….or yourself….Smile from the inside out…Seek God in all decisions….Share God’s love and His joy with everyone you come in contact with….. Love and Later…

February 11, 2006

  • Greetings….Weekends, ahhh….Gotta love them…Enjoying mine with a pot of coffee, movies, books, puzzles, a quilt, pillows, and the sofa…along with the Cleo princess to keep me company. A little laundry, a little cooking…no work until Monday night….The winter Olympics are on, yeah…skating, skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, luge and most of all, just love the excitement and the suspense. High School  State Wrestling tournament in Gwinnett this weekend…AHHH, I can smell the arena now…and feel the hardness of the bleachers from sitting alllllll 3 days for the weekend….Still miss it…Maybe one day God will bless me with a grandson who will take it to the mat…or a granddaughter who will, or be a mat maid, or date a wrestler???!!! HA HA…A long time from now, Josh can push me in my wheelchair, LOL.

    Hope everyone has an Awesome weekend…stay warm, stay dry, stay safe, stay Blessed and keep smiling…. Share God’s Love and His Joy…. Pray for those who are traveling, David and Lisa, Philip and Angela….Sandra while she awaits the birth of her two little bundles of testosterone..tee hee….And Brad as he awaits on Sandra….Pray for Jeff as he leads and gives the sermon tomorrow morning, and Scott as he leads the Praise band…May God be glorified and Blessed through their efforts, words, music, and their commitment…. Josh, turn up the speaker on the bass to be heard by all…me included, whoa, that would be a loud and powerful speaker…Play it for the Lord, Scott, Brien, Jason, Josh, and anyone else playing in the morning….Lindsay, keep that orange glowing mouse in line…Or is it blue?  Will miss being there….Love to all….Later….

February 6, 2006

  • Just an update….NO COMPENSATION $$$$$$ as of yet…do you feel sorry for me?? Oh well….I laughed out loud at my last “Paycheck”…I say that very loosely…because the amount paid my way was, hold on, “$0.00″…Feel sorry for me now?…. Probably going to pick up an extra shift this week…Like my body or mind want me to even think seriously about that idea….Left side of my body rebels all the time…Muscles have screamed and separated…deltoid specifically…very painful, take my word for it….Enough of my Kavetching…Sorry,needed to say something on screen…. Even still, I am so Blessed these days,…Hope all is well with everyone….Keep warm, stay smiling from the inside out…..Share God’s Love and His joy….Later…..

February 1, 2006

  • Well, I survived my first two nights back at work…hectic as usual, but not TOOOOO bad….Coffe is done, oatmeal is almost ready….going to relax, chill in front of the tube, read my bible passage and head for the bed…..Everyone have an awesome first day of February….Be looking for the groundhog tomorrow….What did everyone think of the state of the union address last night? Bless those around you…Share God’s love and his joy…Later…..

January 24, 2006

  •                    WAY COOL HUH??????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Greetings….Found out why no checks have made it my way from Workers Comp…they had the wrong mailing address….hmmm….Nice to know. Also understand why so many injured persons seek legal counsel……

    Dr. appointment is on Thursday…hopefully good news….ready to get back to work and a normal routine and to have steady income coming in…HA HA….Still having some pain, soreness, spasms,…but it has been only 8 weeks since surgery. Last Physical Therapy session was today, of course I gave it 150%…might account for the increased pain and soreness….YA THINK?  Going to have to get used to sleeping while the sun shines all over again….Cleo is going to pout and sulk also….poor baby.

    Headed up to Conyers on Saturday for Sandra’s babies shower at Lisa’s house….going to be a short stay….have to get home and rest before hopefully going back to work Monday night…..pray abut it….

    Give Thanks for all God has Blessed us with…..the thought of where and who I would be without HIM is mind boggling….Whew!!!! Share the Joy and the Love with all you come in contact with…yes even the RUDE ones…….I was listening to Philips sermon on Sunday…lol… Keep smiling….yeah, you know it’s coming…from the inside out……Later…..

January 15, 2006

  •    May God continue to Bless you, keep you safe and to lead you toward your purpose…..”think beautiful thoughts and then set them adrift…..on eternity’s boundless sea…”

    Do the un-ordinary today…surprise someone, surprise yourself……share love in the simplest, unique way….Pass it on…God will smile……


January 13, 2006

  • One more week of physical therapy, then hopefully the DR will release me to go back to work. Funny thing…got a call from the Complex Health Nurse on Tuesday to inform me I could come in for “lite-duty” at the hospital…No change in Dr’s restrictions…just they are getting slammed and needed another body to help out. Could have been doing this for over a month if they had been cooperative…oh well…..Cleo is not at all happy about my being gone during the daylight hours…..Neither is my body or my mind……Will have to work on that…..

    “Think deeply…Speak Gently….Love Much….Laugh Often….Work Hard….Give Freely…..Pay Promptly…..Pray Earnestly…and Be Kind…..Pass it on…Pay it Forward during your life…..LOVE..Share…….Bless those around you….”

    Smile from the inside out…..Later…..