January 13, 2006

  • One more week of physical therapy, then hopefully the DR will release me to go back to work. Funny thing...got a call from the Complex Health Nurse on Tuesday to inform me I could come in for "lite-duty" at the hospital...No change in Dr's restrictions...just they are getting slammed and needed another body to help out. Could have been doing this for over a month if they had been cooperative...oh well.....Cleo is not at all happy about my being gone during the daylight hours.....Neither is my body or my mind......Will have to work on that.....

    "Think deeply...Speak Gently....Love Much....Laugh Often....Work Hard....Give Freely.....Pay Promptly.....Pray Earnestly...and Be Kind.....Pass it on...Pay it Forward during your life.....LOVE..Share.......Bless those around you...."

    Smile from the inside out.....Later.....

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